Tuesday, March 30, 2010


   In gemstone of the week for sapphires, I mentioned sapphire was my birthstone. Well, just to tell you, we all have birthstones. A birthstone is a gift of a precious material, mainly a gemstone, that symbolizes the month of birth. There are different types of birthstones: traditional birthstones, modern birthstones, mystical birthstones, and ayurvedic birthstones. Traditional birthstones are older society-based birthstones. Back then, many different cultures had their own lists for birthstones. Mystical birthstones are of Tibetan origin and date back over a thousand years. Just to let you know, Tibet is from China. Ayurvedic birthstones are from the ancient Indian medicine and philosophy. Modern birthstones only contains one list, because Jewelers of America officially made a list. It is the most used list in the world. India and Babylon's early civilizations considered gemstones magical, and assigned gems of certain colors to the twelve signs of zodiac to help influence the planets in their favor.
Here is a list of the month, birthstone, and the picture! Thank you!

    January: Garnet 

    February: Amethyst
    March: Aquamarine    
    April: Diamond  
    May: Emerald 
    June: Pearl
    July: Ruby    
    August: Peridot    
    September: Sapphire   
    October: Opal   
    November: Topaz   
    December: Turquoise   

1 comment:

  1. Wow Matthew
    Thank god we have a gemologist in our class
    You Rock
